
We found 77 sentences of 'Unconfirmed' to help you understand how to use Unconfirmed in a sentence.

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Unconfirmed definition: If a report or a rumour is unconfirmed, there is no definite proof as to whether it is. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. The Blind Skull is located in Mission 5 - Unconfirmed.To reach it, double back after entering the first underground section of the mine. Look up for a narrow shaft (with a light near the entrance. ‎Events in crypto take place at warp speed. This weekly crypto podcast reveals how the marquee names in crypto are reacting to the week’s top headlines. With host Laura Shin, the guests also discuss what they’re thinking about these days and reveal what they believe is on the horizon in crypto.

Unconfirmed Internet

  • The information is yet unverified, uncorroborated, unconfirmed.
  • Administrations running with unconfirmed information is hardly new.
  • It is again sounds like a lame unconfirmed provocation.
  • Honeycomb is mentioned only as an unconfirmed future release.
  • If you are unconfirmed, let's go through it together.
  • There had been widespread, unconfirmed reports it was being shelled.
  • Often undue weight is given to unestablished or unconfirmed discoveries.
  • Also, there are at least 28 suspected but unconfirmed cases.
  • There is unconfirmed report that the embezzler has been arrested.
  • There have been unconfirmed anecdotal reports of people spontaneously combusting.
  • This article is based entirely on speculation and unconfirmed arguments.
  • Unless it is an unconfirmed report from Fox or Breitbart.
  • Do NOT listen to or spread undocumented and unconfirmed RUMORS.
  • For now, these are just a bunch of unconfirmed allegations.
  • Unconfirmed press reports in Paris said 63 people had been freed.
  • The military denied unconfirmed reports that two students were shot dead.
  • Unconfirmed reports of a Buckingham Palace garlic ban had Colonna worried.
  • Unconfirmed rumours put the value of the acquisition at ?0 million.
  • It was hard to keep track of the unconfirmed star sightings.
  • The rumored, but unconfirmed, top speed of an iceboat is over .
  • Keep in mind the details are still unconfirmed by the Osbournes.
  • There were sev-eral unconfirmed reports of torna-does Sunday night.
  • Unconfirmed local radio reports said two of the workers had died.
  • Unconfirmed reports said that between two and nine people were missing.
  • An unconfirmed link to Iraq emerged Tuesday in the intelligence community.
  • Two reports of these fish in nearby Collier Cave are unconfirmed.
  • Unconfirmed reports said that at least six people had been killed.
  • Korean journalists routinely exaggerate, distort, and report unconfirmed rumors as fact.
  • The nature of the word 'rumour' means that it is unconfirmed.
  • Though unconfirmed, the Villains Month event, leaves Trigons origins in question.
  • There were unconfirmed reports of civilian as well as military casualties.
  • Unconfirmed reports placed Atta at the camp at the same time.
  • Unconfirmed press reports in Paris put the number released at 63.
  • An unconfirmed report said eight people were missing in the accident.
  • There were later unconfirmed reports that the two pilots were captured.
  • There were unconfirmed reports it could come as early as Sunday.
  • There were unconfirmed reports that dozens of Chinese women were raped.
  • This just in - unconfirmed repots of an accident at Southland Park.
  • The rumored, but unconfirmed, top speed of an iceboat is over.
  • Locals reported two fatalities on Tanna, though this was unconfirmed by officials.
  • There is an unconfirmed suggestion that Diaper was ordained priest in 1715.
  • According to unconfirmed reports, two people were killed in the riots last night.
  • There were unconfirmed reports she would return to Addis Ababa for further talks.
  • So God remains an unconfirmed suspicion that is only visible to the faithful.
  • SABC television news reported an unconfirmed death toll of up to 30 people.
  • Click here to find out more about this as of yet unconfirmed report.
  • There are also unconfirmed reports that machines are being sent abroad for repair.
  • In the past, radial velocity variations have been reported, but this remains unconfirmed.
  • There are unconfirmed reports that the seventh fleet is moving into the area.
  • Current and unconfirmed speculation has been misplacing the blame on Google 's ' sandbox ' effect.
  • What's just as amazing is that he probably had many more that went unconfirmed.
  • He helped enhance his natural charisma with unconfirmed stories of narrow escapes and daring.
  • A dockworker who handled the material died after suffering convulsions, according to unconfirmed reports.
  • Stater had said that two people were killed, but later said the deaths were unconfirmed.
  • It's bound to give cable news something unconfirmed but juicy to chase around the clock.
  • The whereabouts of Pastor Tokes remained unclear, amid unconfirmed reports that he had been murdered.
  • There were unconfirmed reports of armed clashes on Monday in Battambang and Siem Reap provinces.
  • By early afternoon, there's an unconfirmed report that the river has crested at 17.5 feet.
  • Made me have to get a newly refurbished engine because possible unconfirmed damage to the engine.
  • Unconfirmed eyewitness reports said the marshal was killed in what appeared to be a freak incident.
  • U.S. officials are reacting to unconfirmed claims that a Florida - based group has cloned a human.
  • Unconfirmed reports said that 50 people had died after troops mutinied at Kisangani on Dec. 21.
  • However, it is believed that between 2 and 4 million unconfirmed cases actually occur each year.
  • There is an unconfirmed method from old times : Mongolian nobles relied on borts for months-long journeys.
  • There were unconfirmed reports that an aerial bombardment hit the tiny hamlet of Rubi, killing and injuring civilians.
  • The move followed unconfirmed reports of a coup attempt in late June by a brigade of the elite Republican Guards.
  • Unconfirmed word on the street is that the trio will be performing on Wednesday, August 20, at the Club Congress.
  • Much of these relationships remain unconfirmed, and he has stated on his website that he finds such talk 'irrelevant and unhealthy.'.
  • Under which specific condition that a confirmed credit may become unconfirmed for the full amount without the consent of the beneficiary?.
  • Over the past week or so buzz has continued to swell over the much talked about, but still unconfirmed Arrested Development movie.
  • A written confession was handed to the gaoler, but never publicly released, leading to various unconfirmed rumours as to his guilt or innocence.
  • There were unconfirmed reports that Ethiopian troops had arrived at the border 75 kilometers ( 46 miles ) southwest of Eritrea's Red Sea port of Asab.
  • There has been an unconfirmed sighting of the rare Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake near Long Lake as well, and the slender glass lizard is found nearby.
  • Like four of the six colossi of Amenhotep III ( Colossi of Memnon ) there are no longer complete remains so it is based partly on unconfirmed estimates.
  • Ritualists now keep unconfirmed children in church during the entire rite, through ignorance of ancient usage, in order that they may learn to adore the consecrated elements.
  • Apparently there were unconfirmed reports of looting taking place but once our teams got down to the dockside they were able to see that there was some mistake.
  • A bomb scare this afternoon at the luxury Caracas Tamanaco hotel and unconfirmed reports of an explosion in the La Florida section of Caracas further weighed on investor concerns.

Unconfirmed Meaning


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